Exercyse Time
ExerCYse Time takes place on Friday evenings throughout the cold winter season from 7-8:00pm. Local youth can come to the Forker Building (Gym 184) and participate in physical activity sessions. During the colder months children often decrease the amount of activity they get significantly and this program fulfills that need.
to stay up-to-date on ExerCYse Time and our other Youth Programming, sign up for our eNewsletters by subscribing through the form below.
to stay up-to-date on ExerCYse Time and our other Youth Programming, sign up for our eNewsletters by subscribing through the form below.
The games will be planned out beforehand, you will only be responsible for helping parents and children sign up and encouraging them to be active. To sign up for this event, you will need to complete the Youth Code of Conduct, complete a background check if you haven't already done so, and register on Givepulse.
The games will be planned out beforehand, you will only be responsible for helping parents and children sign up and encouraging them to be active. To sign up for this event, you will need to complete the Youth Code of Conduct, complete a background check if you haven't already done so, and register on Givepulse.
Next, you will need to select the dates and times that you would like to volunteer
In the next few days you will be receiving an email from [email protected] with instructions on how to complete the background check through the ISU Office of Risk Management